In the book Fifty Shades of Grey the photo shoot for Christian Grey takes place in a suite at The Heathman in Portland. For the movie they used the British Columbia Ballroom inside the Fairmont Vancouver.This sunken ballroom, with its own 5500-square-foot foyer and state-of-the-art facilities, divides into two equal sections with double air walls for sound reduction. The British Columbia Ballroom also has large chandeliers recessed into ceiling coves, complemented by blue and gold hand-finished carpet and decorative walls trimmed with moldings. It is very distinctive with the pattern in the carpet. They used the full size ballroom for the photo shoot. When I viewed it it was split in half. When I first viewed the trailer I thought that the large curtains hanging were over windows when in reality they are concealing steps to a doorway which leads to another ballroom. The curtains are a beautiful dark blue color which coordinates with the carpet.
It was easy to see how they had set up the photo shoot and done the filming. Christian Grey was in front of a large screen so that his back was to the entrance doorway. The large curtains on his left. They shot the scene from the center of the full sized ballroom. You can see the wall behind him and also the four lengths of curtains hanging. It is a gorgeous ballroom used for various events at the hotel.
Thank you to The Fairmont Vancouver.
My other posts in The Fairmont Vancouver. and in Photo Gallery.
**UPDATE I did another visit to the Fairmont Jan 2015 and was able to see the ballroom at its full size. I believe that when they did the filming here they used the full size of the ballroom with their cameras off to one side of it. This visit I was able to see it across the whole size to where they would have set up their filming. I also was able to walk through the blue curtained areas and out to the adjacent ballroom. I also took photos outside the entrance to the ballroom and the surrounding hallways. Added new photos at bottom and in photo gallery.
This is right where Jamie was standing for the filming of the photo shoot.