Book Club Review by Janet Webb

I asked Janet Webb to share some of her thoughts after just seeing Book Club for the first time. She shares them here:
Who was my favorite couple? That’s so hard to answer. I thought Don Johnson was his usual delightful roguish self–I adored him. He, like Andy Garcia, was just the perfect mate and I liked his long history with Jane Fonda. The thing is, she was so much more vulnerable and honest with her girlfriends: it took her so long to let down her guard with Don that it was a bit too late. So it’s not them.
The married couple was so believable, so sweet. I especially liked them when they opened up to each other at the end.
Richard Dreyfuss, what a sweetie–and Candice Bergen practically stole the show. She was acerbic, self-revelatory and cute. I really liked her.
So my answer is Diane Keaton and Andy Garcia. She was fabulous! Ditsy, self-deprecating, and she was so intrigued by the gorgeous pilot in the person of Andy Garcia. Before the movie started there was an ad for the upcoming Mamma Mia re-make–and who should it star but Andy Garcia? Bring on an Andy Garcia film festival, please. When they went up in his tiny plane, I thought of Christian and Ana gliding in Georgia. Keaton’s relationship with her daughters rang so true. Her speech at the end was a great way to end a super movie!
It was neat that they used older women although truth to tell, they didn’t seem all that old to me–they had been friends for so long they really kept that funny, I-know-you-so-well conversation bubbling … the audience kept seeing flashes of the younger women they used to be. Wine, delicious food and conversation was the backdrop for almost every scene (that didn’t have guys in it!).
The audience will take away that they definitely need to check out those risque, exciting Fifty Shades books–the ladies cracked me up when they talked about Christian and the Inner Goddess.
The locations were fabulous, so were everyone’s clothes … it made me laugh and cry and want to see it all over again!