FS DARKER ANA’S APT 120 Powell ST. MARCH 4 3/5

One of the most recognizable scenes from the book played out in the evening with pouring rain. Jamie, Dakota and Max rehearsed this scene in the waning light several times. Then they took a break and when they came back it was then dark. They had setup two of the huge crane lights at either end of the block. One of these lights was focused on the Audi Q7 parked in front of the apartment. When I was returning to the location I watched as one of the young crew guys was put in the basket and raised into the sky. He had 6 lights to arrange when he was lifted. It was quite amazing to watch them at work. I also noticed that they added more lighting to the entrance area of the apartment for the filming there. The scene played out with the Audi Q7 rear trunk door raising, Jamie jumping out of the rear passenger door and grabbing the box in the rear and taking it to Dakota. Simultaneously Max hopped out and opened the door for Dakota to leave the SUV. Jamie and Dakota then met on the sidewalk and were under the covered area of the entrance. They started near the sidewalk then moved back towards the doors. By this time of night it was very cold and raining hard. The scene on the sidewalk was mostly blocked from site and many fans were soon leaving wet and cold.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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