FS DARKER ANA’S APT 120 Powell St. MARCH 4 5/5

The building used for Ana’s Seattle Apartment is a multi story apartment building and at one time housed businesses on the ground floor. When I visited the building after the first movie filmed there, there was a business on the ground floor. We only get a glimpse of the entrance and doors to the building in the first movie. For Darker/Freed the production people have done a make over of the entrance and windows. The windows for the movies are now dressed with a new sign for Cal’s Consignments and includes several clothing items appropriate for a vintage type of consignment store. When they filmed on March 4th we could see the clothing and the mannequin they had in the front windows. When I returned I also saw that they put some very lovely hats in the side window near the front doors. I really wanted to share with the fans how beautiful the windows were. Soon after filming the windows were emptied out.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
On March 4 they filmed several scenes in front of Ana’s apartment building. In the late afternoon everyone was off for a lunch break and there was no one on the streets. I returned to the location to find it mostly completely empty except for a couple of the crew. It was a great opportunity to take some photos of Christian Grey’s new 2017 Audi Q7 that they are using for the movie, parked right in front of Ana’s apartment. I actually was able to step out into the road a bit to get the perfect photos. As I was standing there with my camera in hand I noticed a black SUV coming towards me down the road. I stepped back a few steps to let it pass and it pulled over to the curb right across from me. The two crew people quickly realized that one of the actors was arriving back to the set. They looked over at me, with camera in hand, and they were quick to come around the SUV and open the door. Out stepped Jamie Dornan. I was so surprised that I just dropped my hand and watched him walk inside. It was definitely a close encounter with Christian Grey.
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