On the second day of shooting the reshoots they did an early morning at Boundary Bay Airport which is about 30 miles SW of downtown Vancouver. I found out the night before that they were doing an early start at 7:30 am. I decided to leave downtown Vancouver by 6:45 am to be sure to find the place and be there for filming. When I arrived I realized that this was where they must have done filming last year for the gliding in Georgia because the car parked for the scene was an Audi with GEORGIA license plates. I also figured this played into the story with them “chasing the dawn” when Ana is in Georgia and Christian arrives. I think this had to be after they had done the gliding because it ends with him taking a phone call.
First thing I saw when getting there was the car behind the gates next to the hanger. The gate was opened then so that I could take some photos. Across from the airport on a long road was a line of trucks and trailers for the production. I just was in this one area near the gate for most of the time. While talking to one of the security men he gave me a clue when Jamie and Dakota were arriving in their black SUV’s.They pulled in through the gate and then were out of their suvs. After they arrived there was time when Jamie and Dakota were standing to the side of the car and just talking. They werent being filmed then and it was so cute to see them just being together. They also spoke with Sam TJ for quite a while. While I was watching them I noticed that Dakota did like a skipping with Jamie. I though it was the CUTEST THING EVER and was excited to see that it was going to be part of the scene. She was practicing it several times.
When they were getting ready to film they put up some big black screens for the lighting and brought out the cameras and equipment. It turned out that we had to clear the area because the camera was catching the gate area in the background of the filming. That is why they brought in trees that were placed in the corner next to the gate. The security girl told us that we could see better if we went to the airport building to our left. I decided to walk over there and see what was there. I went out to the back of the building and discovered that it was a straight sight to where they were filming but still a pretty far distance. I ended up taking some of the photos thru some glass so they are not perfect. The pap photographers were to my right and next to me so their photos are much better. When I saw Dakota skipping I knew I had to do a video of it if I could. They also filmed the same scene several times without her skipping. I kept waiting for them to kiss at the end but it did not happen. I got as many photos as I could and also tried to just enjoy seeing it all play out.
After the filming was over Dakota and Jamie left the area in the black SUV and returned to their trailers to change. I did see Jamie exiting his trailer after he changed and he talked to some people before leaving back to Vancouver. It was probably noon by then and it had been a cold morning. Once again it was just the photographers, myself and one other fan there. I didnt see “teamfifty” during the filming but did see them afterward and greeted them. I think the were in the hanger area during the filming. I had heard that the glider scene was filmed outside of Vancouver so it was amazing to find the place and see this filming.
More Photos in the Photo Gallery.
I did an UPDATE Post including the photos from the filming of the Gliding here.
UPDATE**I revisited Boundary Bay Airport January 2015 and learned some new information about the filming there. I also was able to get onto the area where they filmed and inside the huge hanger. When I got inside the hanger several guys were working the planes there. It was full of planes and several emergency helicopters. I was told that this one plane was the one used for the filming. I believe it was for the reshoots in October. I also walked around and took more photos of the inside of the hanger as its a very old historical building. When I later met Ashley in Vancouver BC she also shared with me that they did film another scene here with Dakota and Jennifer Ehle. Evidently the airport building was used as the Georgia airport where Ana’s mom drops her off to return to Seattle. They filmed in front of the main airport building. The airport has three landing areas. I believe they used another of these areas for the gliding.
You can see there are two planes outside of the hanger. This is one of them used in the filming.
This was taken day of the r eshoots by E. L. James for her Instagram. She must have been inside the hanger during the filming.
New Photos of the Airport: