In Fifty Shades of Grey, the first book, The Heathmans Grand Suite is used by Christian Grey when he visits Portland. The first time is when he is staying in Portland and appears at Claytons. He then offers to do the photo shoot at the hotel. He is staying in the Grand Suite and the photoshoot is done at the Symphony Suite. After the photo shoot they go to coffee. After nearly being run down by a biker she returns home. She later “drunk dials” Christian and he brings her to his Suite at the Heathman. He still uses his Suite after they return to Portland from Seattle. He continues to use the Suite until he meets Ana for the dinner discussion over the contract. He then stays for the graduation. In FREED, he and Ana return to the hotel and suite while visiting her step-father in Portland after his car accident.
The Grand Suite is as lovely as you would expect. As you walk in you find yourself inside its foyer area. To the left is the large bedroom, closet and large bathroom. To the right is a large dining room table with chairs. Adjacent to the dining table is a couch, chairs and fireplace across from the couch. The “life affirming” couch. There is also a small kitchenette, large screen TV, and desk for working, but you wont find a Sunburst Headboard in this suite. There is only one of these suites in the hotel.
“Holy crap. I’m in the Heathman Hotel…in a suite. I have stood in a room similar to this with Kate. This looks bigger. Oh, shit. I’m in Christian Grey’s suite. How did I get here?” FSOG
Ana first wakes up in Christians suite after her “drunk dial” from a bar in Portland. They eat breakfast together at the dining table. Christian has also sent Taylor out for the clothes for her from Nordstrom which is just down the block. They later leave the suite and walk the hallway towards the elevators. After entering the elevators Christian speaks to her ” Oh, f… the paperwork,” he growls. They then kiss. While still in the elevator he comments. “You’ve brushed your teeth.” Her response “I used your toothbrush.” From FSOG.
Then they depart to the parking garage and drive through the Portland park blocks to her home.
Grey Enterprises Internship Website recently posted this photo of inside The Heathman Grand Suite. Where Christian and Ana spend their first night.
The “life affirming” couch.