If you have not found the official Universal Fifty Shades of Grey movie website, now is the time to go there. You can find it at Fiftyshadesofgreymovie.com. Once you visit there be sure to click on the box where you can apply to be an intern. That will take you to the new part of the website where you can read more about Grey Enterprises Holdings and also sign up to be registered with their website. This new website is very slick and easy to navigate with a tumblr based theme. Once you have registered you are then given a whole new dashboard with interactive buttons including assignments, badges, FSOG questions and even a section for making your own ID badge with uploaded photo. Of course they have included with every section a way for you to share your news on facebook, twitter and other social media. The media people with Universal and Fifty Shades of Grey continue to be using all the newest and greatest forms of social media to reach as many fans as possible. It will be a long wait till the movie is released February 14, 2015, and by then everyone will know that’s the date to finally see Fifty Shades of Grey on the big screen.
Remember that the first full trailer with Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson will be released this week July 24th during the Today show eastern time. The following day July 25th will bring some new behind the filming footage also on The Today show. Note that NBC is owned by Universal.