Gord now has his new website up Bound2Please and you can visit there to read his story about his part of Fifty Shades of Grey. You can also order any of his pieces from his website. He tells of his story below from his website:
In October, 2013 Bound2Please was chosen create the toys and restraints for the Red Room in the movie Fifty Shades of Grey. We were going to make toys suitable for a billionaire’s play room.
In November the creating and prototyping started. Colour themes were set and designs were chosen, the work started. We would be supplying both the props department and set decoration . Making quality was not difficult for us, but making quality toys that looked well used and still looked of top quality was a new challenge with an interesting, difficult learning curve. The work was painstaking, careful detail and sequencing had to be followed to get the desired effect. A small mistake or slip after hours into a piece could mean scrapping it and starting again. A lot of midnight oil was burnt keeping up with the shooting schedule. The project was completed in January, 2014.
The movie hit the box offices in February, 2014 and I finally got to see my work on the big screen.
In our products, you will notice items of browns and brass, all part of our Red Room Originals collection. They are all very similar to the toys and restraints in the movie with the exception of the aging…. I’ll leave it up to you to create that over time.
May 2015
I had the opportunity to chat with Gord who was involved with the Red Room in the Fifty Shades of Grey Movie. He is the person who designed and made many of the implements used in the Red Room in Escala. He has his own line called Red Room Originals and it closely replicates what is used in the movie. Universal had him sign a NDA so that he could not talk about what was used and/or sell the same pieces until the movie was released. Now he was able to share with me his experience with the movie. His new pieces are available online and at several adult stores in Vancouver BC and Seattle.
He originally met with the production people in October 2013 and was told they would begin filming in January 2014. After he began making the pieces for the movie they notified him they were moving the filming up to December 1, 2013. He had to quickly speed up his process to meet the filming deadlines. The scene in the Red Room with the Thomas Tallis music from the book was added in after the filming originally began, so those pieces had to be quickly designed and made. The movie uses a song called Bliss for this scene.
Gord also consulted with the set decoration people on the placement of the pieces on walls and racks in the Red Room. The grid system on the ceiling that Christian attaches Ana to is not something normally seen or used. The cuffs that he made for Dakota are called suspension cuffs but do not usually have the type of attachment hardware on them that is used in the film. Not having a cross in the Red Room is also something that is not standard. He has never seen a room before which was set up like the Red Room in the movie with the ceiling grid, leather tile floors and covered walls.
He designed and made the flogger which was used in the movie by Jamie. The challenge with it was that it had to be a unique and high quality piece but also be distressed to look like it was well used by Christian Grey. This included not only the leather and narrow pieces but also the rivets and handle. The same with the riding crop, cuffs and other pieces in the room. He has a distinguishing three groove marking on the handles of all his pieces. He did not make the canes in the Red Room, but shared with the prop people what type of material to use and sourced it.
Gord spoke of having to visit the set on the day that they filmed Dakota in front of her Seattle Apartment. He had to custom fit the cuffs for her wrists as they were very small. This was the filming with it “raining” on her while she wore a white shirt and dark pants for the ending. He said that during the filming one of the neighbors in an upper apartment wasn’t happy about the filming and kept ringing out a cow bell to disrupt the filming. They had to do 10-12 takes of the scene and by the end Dakota had chattering teeth and was freezing. The crew kept covering her in blankets between takes to keep her warm.
The furniture design for the Red Room changed after the pre production. It originally was more old world English dark woods with French carved legs. They ended up with several pieces designed by Mark Brazier Jones which have a very distinctive look to them.
We also talked about how the BDSM lifestyle is portrayed in the movie. He has been a part of the lifestyle for 15-16 years. He hopes that the movie will help people look more positive on the lifestyle and enable them to explore their fantasies and fetishes more freely. He has seen the movie twice, but has not read the books. He was asked about consulting with the movie but as he lives on Vancouver Island which is over an hour commute to Vancouver BC, he had to decline. Local to Vancouver, Liam Helmer was chosen as he has also been in the lifestyle a long time. He mentioned that Liam has excellent skills with the rope work that was used more extensively in the movie so that he was able to help Jamie with using the ropes and knots. Jamie did all his own work with the ropes and knots in the movie.
Gord felt the BDSM lifestyle was shown in a positive way but not always realistic. The use of the belt with Ana at the end of the movie would not be used in that way. He said using a belt that way is done as punishment. In BDSM play it is used in a much softer way and slowly builds up to harder over time. He commented that Jamie’s use of the belt was done “British Old School Way”.
He gave me the name of the club in Vancouver BC which Jamie visited and mentioned they have a monthly “play party” anyone can attend. It’s called Rascals Club. You can find them at Rascals-Club.com.
The flogger in the movie is available by special order through him and you can also special order any of the pieces from the movie including the cuffs. You can also find a close copy of the flogger on his website. The movie flogger is called The Hero Flogger on his website. The high quality materials and details of his pieces set his work apart from other companies making similar products.
Gord did confirm that on a talk show, Dakota admitted to taking home one of the floggers. He agreed that Dakotas performance in the movie was perfect for her role. He said that a true Dominant would come off a bit more stronger and more direct than how Christian was portrayed.
You can find his website here www.bound2please.com
Here are photos from my visit to Little Sisters in Vancouver BC, featuring all of Gords work. Click here.
You can read more about the Red Room furnishings and how it was built here.
These are some of the pieces he made for the movie. You can see his three groove marking on the wood handles. There is the feather, flogger and Ana cuffs used for the Red Room Scenes. The belt straps used for the ending.
This photo was provided for exclusive use by this website 50shadesgirlportland.com
These are from Fifty Shades Freed. You can see her handcuffs and other of Gords work is once again used in the Red Room:
These are from the first Fifty Shades of Grey:
Thank you to Gord for sharing this information about his part in the production of Fifty Shades of Grey. Be sure to visit his website to view more of his pieces.
This article is copyrighted for 50shadesgirlportland.com.