FSOG BOOK LOCATION Bike Corner In Portland

In the first book of the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele meet at The Heathman for a photo shoot. Afterwards Christian asks Anna to go with him to coffee. They walk out of The Heathman together, turn left and then walk four blocks down the street to the coffee shop. After sharing coffee and tea they leave the coffee shop and walk up the street towards The Heathman. At the corner across from The Heathman she steps forward and trips, stumbling headlong into the road. He tugs her hand and pulls her back against him. A cyclist was going the wrong way up the one way road. For the first time in twenty-one years she wants to be kissed. After their encounter she quickly makes her way across the road with Grey following. They stop outside of The Heathman for a moment and then she turns to leave. She walks down the sidewalk towards the underground parking garage.
I found the corner where the bike accident almost happens on SW Broadway Street and SW Salmon Street, just to the left of The Heathman entrance. After I crossed at the corner I turned right to walk along Salmon Street and find the underground parking garage for The Heathman. It is not located right in the first block as you would expect. The Heathman uses an underground parking garage that is about two and half blocks up Salmon Street and is adjacent to the Portland Park Blocks.
The corner itself looks very different than the corner area they used for filming this scene in Vancouver B.C. There are no cobblestone sidewalks, but if you walk the corner in Portland it’s easy to picture the book scene coming alive under your feet.