BOOK CLUB Movie Premiere in LA

The premiere was at the Regency Village theater in Westwood California. Thank you to Paramount for the invite.
When I arrived there were several people picking up their tickets and moving towards the theater. The red carpet was set up down the street next to the theater with large background signs for Book Club. There were about 25 fans lined up along the barricade across the street waiting to see the cast arrive. The press/media was set up all along the red carpet. My access was for the movie and in we went. We hung out in the lobby for a while and was surprised to see Diane Keaton walk in heading to her seat. After grabbing some popcorn and drinks we went down the center aisle and found our seats in the third row down which proved to be a great spot for stargazing. Soon all the cast was walking right past us going about halfway down to their seats together. Jane Fonda in red was really stunning as well as Candice Bergen in her glittery gold top. She definitely looked slimmer than she appeared in the movie. Mary Steenburgen arrived with her husband actor Ted Danson.
After everyone was inside the movie soon began. I havent laughed so much in a movie theater in a long time. I really wasnt sure what to expect but as I sat with my FSOG book on my lap, we were all treated to the most delightful and funny movie. The writing was so perfect for these actresses and as their stories progressed the romantic connections proved to be the perfect mix. With all the women in the movie over 60 the audience was definitely a mix of ages. I think the Fifty Shades fans will not be disappointed with the direct Fifty Shades connections placed throughout the movie. There is too many spoilers to mention and fans will be crazy excited for all of them.
The cast of women include Jane Fonda, Candice Bergun, Mary Steenburgen and Diane Keaton. Then you bring in the men including Don Johnson, Andy Garcia, Craig T. Nelson and Richard Dreyfuss. All the actors were at the premiere and on the red carpet.
The writers and producers Erin Simms and Bill Holderman were also at the premiere. Bill Holderman also was the director for the movie. I had the chance to do an interview with them earlier this week where they shared background information on their process from writing the script to having it on the big screen. After the movie I was able to meet them in the lobby and compliment them on such a well done movie. They also autographed my FSOG book for me which was so gracious. I asked them about some of the Fifty references in the movie and they said they were trying to keep them quiet until the movie is out for the fans to enjoy.
The Book Club movie is such a fun experience that all ages of Fifty fans will enjoy. The movie is out May 18th.

Thank you to Paramount, Erin Simms and Bill Holderman.