FSOG BOOK LOCATION: “Charlie Tangos” Landing at Portland Heliport *Update Nov. 2014

Portland Downtown Heliport is a public heliport located in the Old Town Chinatown neighborhood in the Northwest section of the city of Portland. It is located on top of a car parking lot with the top of the roof as the Heliport. There is an elevator that rises to the top of the building Heliport and opens into a small building. There are stairs located at each corner of the building. Two of these stairways reach to the roof heliport. There is a locked door which opens with a touch key pad to access the roof. Once on top of the building I was able to see onto the heliport and noticed that a black helicopter was currently parked on it. I also came across a video of a pilot landing his helicopter onto the rooftop. It’s a beautiful view of Portland and the Willamette river from the top.
**I did find out that the filming with “charlie tango” was done on the rooftop of a media news building in the Burnaby area just SE of downtown Vancouver BC.
From Fifty Shades of Grey. “The drive to the heliport is short and, before I know it, we arrive.”