Fan Visit to Ana’s Hometown Montesano Washington

A new FSOG friend of mine made a visit to Montesano, Washington, and shared her experience for us all. Montesano, Washington is located just west of Olympia, Washington and on your way to Twilights Bella Swans home of Forks,
Washington. I wonder if Montesano will turn into another “Forks”. Here’s her story and photos.
Thank you to @Emily42250
Anastasta Rose Steele was born September 10, 1989 in Montesano, WA. This is for anyone who ever wondered where Ana grew up. I made the trip up to Montesano,WA from Olympia,WA, where I live approximately 39 miles. When Ray made the trip to Ana’s graduation it was 73 miles from Montesano to Seattle, WA.
The following is also some information I gathered on Ana’s life.
Washington has an interesting way of making their signs.
Getting there, lots of greenery which makes it a nice drive.
Made it…
Welcome sign…population 4010 Home of the tree farm.
Ana’s junior and high school combined.
The Bulldogs…maybe that is where she got her strong-will.
Very small shopping center…
The BeeHive Restaurant…this is famous to go get coffee and
their yummy pies. Bet Ray and Ana loved going there. Don’t pass it up if you are in the area.
Beautiful Old Court House.
Getting late…time to head back to Olympia… was fun imagining
Ray and Ana living here.
Thank you EL James for all the memories you have created for all of us.
Love ya… 🙂
Thank you Emily!