The crew/cast “circus” for filming at Casa Mia and Rio Vista was located just off Marine Drive near both of the mansions. Soaring above the huge lot is the bridge for the Skytrain, Vancouver’s transit train. This was the largest set up circus for filming with Darker because of all the cast and crew that was used for filming at Casa Mia. There were several cast trailers lined up along the edge of the property and other large trucks with equipment scattered on the lot. There was also the crew parking and vans transporting the cast and crew to the mansion. They set up several large tents for the background cast and had several food areas. Several of the cast could be seen walking around when not needed for filming and including E. L. James. It was a very busy week of filming for most of the Fifty Shade cast.
More Filming at Casa Mia:
April 15
April 18
April 19
April 20/21 The Masquerade Ball