FS FREED Filming Seattle Nations Bank (The Permanent) June 13/14 2016

Fifty Shades Freed filmed for 2 days at The Permanent at 330 Pender street and used 2 surrounding alleyways. The first day was filmed inside The Permanent Building set up as Seattle Nations Bank. They filled the inside space with lots of desks, counters, computers and background cast. They did cover over the huge vault door at the back of the room. They also brought in several bushes and greenery for the front entrance to the bank along the sidewalk.
The second day was spent doing several scenes including Dakota’s stunt driver arriving in the R8 and parking across the street from the Bank. Dakota then runs across the street to the bank entrance. After that they filmed the blue Dodge SUV being quickly driven by Amy Price-Francis stunt double and driving east on Pender and turning onto Hamilton Street. There were several movie cars with Washington license plates along the streets. They used a boom camera to film the SUV speeding along the street.
After filming on Pender Street they moved the Dodge SUV to the alley located between Homer and Hamilton streets driving east towards Hamilton street. It was interesting to see the collaboration between Foley and Schwartzman working out the filming for these alley scenes.
They also filmed in the alley between Richards and Homer streets with the Dodge SUV driving east towards Homer Street. The SUV was parked at just inside the entrance of the alley near the doors exiting on the right from Century House. They used this back door exit for the back of the bank when Ana leaves the bank. Dakota was seen exiting the door into the alley with two guys following closely behind her out of the bank.
The day was finished with filming inside the bank building without Dakota.
Photos and content are property of this website and @bcfilmbuff. Photos were also provided by @lightboxgallery.
@bcfilmbuff was kind enough to report on this filming location and provide photos for my website.
There is more of filming the alley driving with the SUV and Amy Price Francis here.
Thank you @bcfilmbuff!
She was also able to get a photo of Dakota as Ana coming out the back of the building:
Thank you to the actor John Emmet Tracy who plays the Bank Manager Whelan in Fifty Shades Freed for sharing about where his desk and office was located for the movie filming:
Here are some photos inside The Permanent:
Here is the alley used for behind the bank. It is actually the back of the Century House building just a block north of The Permanent.