I was very excited to receive the three versions of the movie from Official Fifty. Thanks to them for the chance to view all three versions. Here’s a review of what each version includes:
The TARGET version was my first to watch with its 30 minutes of extras. These extras included:
The Music of Fifty Shades
Signing in Vancouver BC
Seeing Fifty Shades
Favorite Scenes with Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson, E L James and Sam Taylor-Johnson
Photo Gallery
My favorite part of these extra parts was the photo gallery of beautiful new stills from the movie. I also enjoyed The Music of Fifty Shades and seeing what all went into writing and directing the musical score for the movie.
These extras are on a separate DVD which is included only from Target.
TARGET EXCLUSIVES – View product page here
Limited Deluxe Edition Blu-ray Combo Pack Includes over 30 minutes of Exclusive Bonus Content.
WALMART has included this wonderful book of photos from the movie. It has six pages of beautiful photos. It also comes in a black hard cover which adds to it exclusivity. Inside it includes the Blu-ray/DVD/Digital HD.
WALMART EXCLUISVES – View product page here
Exclusive Includes the Blu-ray Combo Pack Plus A Collectible Photo Book
BEST BUY version includes a collectible STEELBOOK packaging which seems to be a gray colored lightweight metal cover. Inside it includes the Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital HD.
BEST BUY EXCLUISVES – View product page here
Exclusive Collectible Steelbook Packaging
All three of these include the same on their Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital HD. Here is a listing of all that is included.
Blu-ray combo packs include (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD)
Each of the Blu-ray Combo Packs (available at all 3 stores) include the following Bonus Features:
Digital Copy of Fifty Shades of Grey – Unrated Version (Subject to expiration. Go to NBCUCodes.com for details.)
UltraViolet (Subject to expiration. Go to NBCUCodes.com for details.)
The World of Fifty Shades of Grey: Christian Grey
The World of Fifty Shades of Grey: Ana
The World of Fifty Shades of Grey: Friends and Family
Behind the Shades
E L James & Fifty Shades
Fifty Shades: The Pleasure of Pain
Christian’s Apartment: 360° Set Tour
Music Video
Behind the Scenes of “Earned It (Fifty Shades of Grey)”