It was recently confirmed to me that the mansion Casa Mia was used for the filming of the dining room scene at the Grey’s dinner. We were able to see it for the first time in the movie trailers. It included all the Grey family plus Ana’s friend Kate with Elliot. Also at the mansion is Greta the house maid and Taylor is seen in the background when Ana and Christian walk through the door entering the house. They did the filming for the scene in one day last year. At a recent coffee chat with Andrew Airlie (Carrick Grey) he told me more about the filming that day.
The mansion is located just south of downtown Vancouver BC along Marine Drive. It is located just a few houses from another mansion they used for the filming Rio Vista. Both mansions are used frequently for filming. On the day I visited it was raining hard and I could just get to the gate. It is an impressive place for the Grey Mansion.
More of the filming at Casa Mia for FS Darker is here.
You can just see this sculpture behind Ana in the movie trailer.
The way the chimney looks here it looks like they set up for filming on the front driveway of the mansion.