Located just north of Vancouver BC is North Shore Studios where they did the interior shooting of Fifty Shades of Grey. When I visited the studios in February 2014 there was no way to get in to see anything. They were filming the day I was there, so there was tight security everywhere.
The studio complex is massive with more than 8 large film stage buildings, plus office buildings on site. It has been used for several TV shows and movies including Twilight Breaking Dawn. You can see more photos and read more about the studio: North Shore Studios.
**I just had confirmation from North Shore Studios that they used stages 1, 4 and 5 for the filming of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie this last winter. You can see on this photo the cafe building in white in the center area where we were having our lunch. The stage number 1 is just to the right of it. If you look at the bigger photo you can see that directly behind 1 is number 4. I was also very close over the fence from stage 5. WOW So close.
UPDATE** Christian Greys penthouse apartment was completely built for the filming of the movie. It was built with all the details here at North Shore Studios. Here is a video with director Sam Taylor Johnson talking about the making of his apartment. You can see how it was designed to accommodate the filming equipment used for the movie. You can see more of his apartment at http://www.christiangreysapartment.com/#
From Fifty Shades Darker at North Shore Studios:
My photo from their cafe on the studio lot.
In the photo below you can see that the building with the blue side on it is stage 1. Cafe is just to the left of it. Behind it to the left is Stage 4.
I had no idea that we were standing here all morning and they were filming right over the fence in stage 5. So close.
UPDATE: When we were at the studios for the last day the girl with me wanted to leave a poster for Jamie Dornan to see on his drive in/out of the studios. We put it together and added one of my photos I took with me. We posted it outside the gates along a road to the studios. I was very surprised to see that the poster must have been moved to inside the studios and appears on one of the FSOG Movie Extras Behind The Shade.