Before I left for a recent trip to Vancouver BC someone online asked me if I had been to where they filmed Charlie Tango helicopter scenes. I had heard of the location but had not been there. She sent me a map of the building and had the exact address. They filmed the scenes on top of a Shaw TV news station building located in Burnaby BC, just east of downtown Vancouver. I then contacted the news station in the building to see about a possible visit to their heliport. The news reporter I spoke with got back to me and said that no, I could not get access to it. He then sent me a couple of photos he took of the heliport. It looked like he took them from inside a small building that sits atop the building on the heliport.
When I matched to filming photos it looked like the right spot. You can see the trees in the background. You can also see the markings on the heliport that match the ones in the photos of the filming. Several photos came out when they were filming these scenes. It will be very fun to see Charlie Tango take off.
You can read more about the filming with Charlie Tango here.
UPDATE WITH PHOTOS BELOW:ou can also follow Charlie Tango on twitter: @CharlieTango135
Thank you to Dana Brunetti for this great night photo:
Photos take on the Global One Studios. They filmed Charlie Tango on the roof Helipad. There is no public access.