During the filming here they brought in the water truck and wet down the street and also some of the sidewalk area. It struck me that they were maybe using this walk thru to his car as the front of Bentall Tower 5. They looked very much the same and the steps were very similar.This way with using this building they did not have to put back up the signage they used for Grey House on the Tower 5.
Jamie was definitely having some fun on the set. There was filming that must have had something go very funny because right after they cut, he came pouring out of the car and was running along the sidewalk to where Sam Taylor Johnson was standing to look at the monitor and see the filming. They were all having a laugh over something that had happened.
Jamie walked around a bit between the takes. I could not help but notice how fine he looked in his suit. It was definitely a slim cut in the jacket and pants. He wore it well.
I almost apologize for this video. My camera was aimed a bit low and it caught some parts lower then I intended. Enjoy!
You can see more from this filming location part 1 part 3 part 4