For the week of the LA Darker Premiere Jamie Dornan was hopping from one talk show to another. Monday was Ellen, Tuesday was Jimmy Kimmel, Wednesday was Conan and Thursday he was on The Today Show. I was able to win tickets for The Jimmy Kimmel show on Wednesday, but decided to try to see him face to face in the back alley when he arrives or leaves the show. There were several Fifty Fans who also won tickets and lined up in the front to enter the studio and see him on the show.
When I arrived about 1:00pm to the alley there were already several fans lined up. A few started there at noon that day. We were moved to the side of the alley and they placed metal gates to keep us back. The photographers were given free movement to get their photos when Jamie arrived.
We waited and chatted all afternoon until about 5:00 pm when Jamie came walking down the alley with his team of people and security. There was a rush with the paps to the front and the fans up front were able to get some photos and videos.
After that it started getting dark and the show taping was running late. Jame reappeared about 7:00pm. When he came out he walked down past us fans to almost the end of the line up and then worked his way back to the front. Because it was dark by then it was hard to get good photos/videos. He was on limited time so we were told either a photo or autograph. Some of the people that were cut off at the end of line quickly moved in behind us and it was a bit crazy. I tried to video the line up and was able to catch Jamie interacting with several fans.
When he came to me I had the photo of him and I that was taken in Vancouver last year. I told him it was from filming and he said oh yea, I remember you. His security guy stepped forward and also asked how I was and chatted a bit. He quickly moved on down the lineup and I continued to video. It was fun to see him again and all of his fans.