FS DARKER SIP INTERIORS 110 E Cordova Feb. 16, 2016 First Day of Filming!

First Day of Filming! Ok I am still fangirling! It was a fast paced incredible morning. I arrived on the sidewalk at 7:30 am and saw that @kingscourtgraph and his wife were already there. I recognized him, his hat and we chatted. He was kind enough to share info with me about the security etc. That was it, just the three of us. There were several security people around the entrance into the bldg. and waiting on the van and suv arrivals. I quickly figured it out that the vans were for crew people, and the suv’s were used for the actors and production people.
About half hour later an suv pulled up and out came director James Foley. He quickly walked into the building, saying hi on his way. He looked much the same as current photos of him. Next to arrive was producer Marcus Viscidi. He arrived alone and was easy to recognize.
Eric Johnson soon arrived and he was taken in quickly. He looked really handsome with his hair long on the top and combed straight back. He did seem pretty tall. Definitely Jack.
After that it was about 20 minutes and two suv’s came driving up the street. They stopped at the curb and out came Erika first. Then Niall and Michael DeLucca from the other side of the car. Erika came around the back of the suv and opened up the trunk and took out her backpack. She didn’t turn towards us until she was on the sidewalk and then just quickly turned and said hi. I managed to get a few photos, but it was fast. I did yell hi to her so she new one fan was here. There were several security guys who made a line across from the curb to the building entrance, so it was hard to see above them. It was so exciting to see the 3 of them together here for the filming.
Next to arrive was Dakota and the security guys once again made a line blocking us from her car to the building. One of the pa’s greeted her and opened her door. She came out and immediately went inside. I did see her hair and it was very medium brown. I could not see the length of it. Too fast to get a photo.
When I was leaving they brought in a huge trailer and parked it at the lot next to the building. I am assuming could be used a dressing room for Dakota.
There was a makeup woman and I did ask her about Dakotas hair and if it had been cut. She said “No”, but not sure if she knew that I was referencing with her new longer length.
Justin with @kingscourtgraph did get more photos. .I just have to get faster at it. It was a really exciting morning. They are filming in the building all day and I was told they would not break for lunch but would stay at the building all day. So, no coming out for noon time. I did chat with a crew person about the lighting and he told me that they want a constant light when they are filming no matter of the blue or gray sky. The huge lights across the street on the top of the parking garage provide the direct lighting into the building windows anytime of day or night. The screens are for filtering the light as they need it.
Heres new photos from this morning: