FS DARKER ANA’S APT 120 Powell St. MARCH 4 1/5

The filming for Fifty Shades Darker/Freed spent a long day filming at the 120 Powell St. location for Ana’s Seattle apartment. The crew arrived in the morning with trucks and equipment that was parked along several blocks near the apartment building. There were 2 of the huge crane lights that were used later in the day for the night filming in front of the building. They filmed a total of 5 scenes, all exterior filming. I have photos and videos from each scene so I split it up by scenes.
Ana’s apartment took on a new look with a “Consignment Shop” on the ground level. There was some beautiful set dressing done for the windows and the red door. The door to her apartment was the gray color, same as in the first movie.
The first scene filmed was with Christians Audi Q7 parked on the street and driven by Max Martini as Taylor. They have upgraded his Audi to the new 2017 model. Jamie, Dakota and Max all started off seated in the car. Jamie and Taylor came out of the car, letting Dakota out of the rear door, and then proceeded to walk up to the entrance of the apartment building. I did notice that Jamie pulled his cell phone out of his pant pocket. This could be a similar scene played out from the book. After they did this part of the scene several times, they then backed up the Audi SUV down to almost the end of the block. Max Martini then drove the SUV down the street towards the camera and turned in towards the curb. They did stop traffic in the lane he was in during this filming. They used the boom camera to take in this amazing scene. It will be so cool to see this played out in the movie. They played out this scene several times for the filming. There was also close ups done with Max in the drivers seat.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Here are pics from this scene:
Max Martini in the Audi Q7 SUV
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