After completing the filming of the first scene they continued with setting up and rehearsing the scene with Jamie and Dakota on the sidewalk in front of the salon. Jamie came out to where Dakota was standing and they seemed to have a long tense conversation. Dakota did the rehearsal of this with her coat off and wearing a blue sweater and skinny jeans. They did film this from several different camera angles.
It was seen during a few of the filming takes that Jamie would lean over like he was going to pick up Dakota, but he never did. After this Dakota would put out her hands and start to walk away. Because of the bright sign during filming several screens were put up to filter the light. The water trucks continued throughout the day to come by and spray down the street and sidewalk. At one time when Jamie came out the salon door he did a quick twirl while walking on the sidewalk, so cute
More of Esclava filming Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5
These are of the rehearsing: