Another new TV Spot came out today and includes a few new pics from filming scenes. They included more of the scene with Ana on the sidewalk leaving SIP and noticing Leila and speaking to her. They also showed the family and friends at the party enjoying the fireworks in the sky. The party was filmed inside Casa Mia, the fireworks were filmed off Stearman Beach and this new pic looks to be filmed at Rio Vista where Ana and Christian are in the pool house with “Hearts and Flowers”.
This is outside SIP on Alexander Street. You can see more of the filming here.
From the new TV Spot:
The other new photo is of the family and friends watching the fireworks. It looks to be filmed at the inside of Rio Vista. Click here for more of Rio Vista.
We were lucky to be at Casa Mia on the day of the filming of the party and were able to see some of the actors as they came out front. Looks to be the they filmed the party at Casa Mia and later filmed at Rio Vista outside.
You can see more of the filming at Casa Mia here.