Fifty Shades Freed took to the streets on Tuesday to film at a parking lot on 1050 Pacifiic. They also did some filming with the cars/SUV’s on Pacific driving east. The parking lot was set up with trucks, tents, movie cars and equipment for filming 2-3 different scenes. The first scenes were with the cars driving east along Pacific from Cambie to the corner with Nelson. The first drive filming was with the R8 with a stunt driver at the wheel. When I arrived they were filming with the navy blue Dodge SUV and Christian Greys Audi CGQ Q7 following behind it. They did the drive along Pacific several times while filming.
While speaking with production designer Nelson Coates, he pointed out to me the Seattle billboards and signs that he had designed for the parking lot space.
After completing the filming on the street they started to set up in the parking lot for filming with the R8 located in the center. Jamie and Dakota soon arrived and were seen talking with James Foley and waiting for the set up to be completed to film. They were speaking about the upcoming scene which I believe was the filming of the parking lot sex scene after the car chase as in the book. He was wearing the bright blue shirt and she was wearing the white blouse/black skirt as seen at Cecil Green and was also worn by the stunt drivers in Seattle. They brought in 2 huge black screens plus several smaller ones and surrounded the R8 on the lot. The skies were dark grey so they were bringing in several large lights for the set up. After getting everything in place they decided to not do this scene today. Jamie and Dakota left the set and they quickly pulled away all the screens and lighting. I heard it was because of the lighting that they cancelled it for the day. I heard that they did film the scene later at the studio.
They then moved the 2 Audi R8 to parking spots near Pacific. It was the first time I had seen the 2 R8s together. I was told they are both new 2107 models provided by Audi. Interesting that both of these cars have what are called “skins” applied to them, to have them perfectly matched in the correct color. The one R8 that was to be used for the filming on the lot had the front window taken out and replaced afterward. it also did’nt have a license plate on it. The other R8 had the RAG Christian Grey plate.
After filming on the lot was completed they hooked up another navy blue SUV to a camera truck and were off filming on the streets. We followed as best as we could and it was so fun.
This was the last day of on location filming in Vancouver BC for Jamie and Dakota.
See more of the street filming here.
This photo shows how they were set up to film Jamie and Dakota in the R8 with it surrounded by screens. They decided against the filming and the screens were taken away. I was told they canceled because of lighting but that it was filmed later in studio.
This photo you can see the camera set up to film inside the R8. This shows either Jamie or his stand in inside the R8 passenger side.
Here they are putting the front window back onto the R8: