FSOG “Graduation Photographer” Jason Cermak

You might recognize Jason Cermak from Fifty Shades of Grey and he is busy with a lot of other TV and movie filming in the Vancouver BC area. He had the fun part of the graduation photographer in the first Fifty Shades of Grey movie. I recently had a chance to chat with him about his photographer role plus other filming that he has been involved in.
His part for Fifty Shades of Grey started with an audition at which he was asked if he knew anything about photography. Lucky for him he does photography in his personal time and was soon cast in the part.
When he arrived at the filming at UBC for the graduation reception they handed him a very high end expensive camera. He soon had it figured out and was taking photos. He said he would take photos of Jamie and Dakota with his “prop camera” and then step aside for the set photographer to take photos. He shared with me that afterward when they were looking at the photos from both cameras his ended up looking better. They ended up using his photo for the newspaper in the movie.
Jason does a lot of filming in the Vancouver BC area including the Hallmark movies Eat Play Love and Moonlight in Vermont. He told me how he really enjoyed being on set with Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner for Eat Play Love. He also was in several episodes of the TV show ZOO plus several other shows filmed in Vancouver.
He is currently filming in Victoria BC with the singer/actress Jewel. It is his third Hallmark movie in the series with her.
Thank you to Jason for sharing his FSOG experience.