We’re going mountain biking. He tears down the trail… I’m vaguely aware of the lush greenery flashing past me, but my eyes are on the trail, trying to avoid the potholes.
Portland is home to one of the largest city parks Forest Park. It extends along the western edge of the city for several miles. It is criss crossed with hiking trails and biking trails. To find out more about the park you can visit The Forest Park Conservancy and obtain a map of the area. The closest biking trail head to downtown is located near Pittock Mansion.
My feet pound the sidewalk on Main Street as I run toward the river. I run past the statue of the elk and toward the Willamette.
With Foo Fighters blaring in my ears I run to the river; I’ve seen the Willamette at dawn, now I want to see it at dusk. As I run under the Hawthorne Bridge… As I sprint down Main Street… back to the Heathman.
Portland is often referred to as the city of bridges. There are several bridges that span the Willamette River connecting the cities east side to downtown and west of Portland. The Willamette River meanders south of Portland through the valley. North of Portland the Willamette connects to the mighty Columbia River and eventually out to the Pacific ocean. Portlands waterfront serves as a gathering place for people year round with events every weekend during the summer months.
Quotes from GREY by E. L James.