I recently came across some photos of filming with Dakota as Ana jogging in Gastown Vancouver BC. It was very clear that they were filmed in the Gastown area because of the brick sidewalk under her feet and I could make out the Gassy Jack statue behind her in the distance. You can also glimpse the Peckinpah restaurant in the far background. It looks like they filmed it in the afternoon to evening. It is a scene that was not used in the movie but maybe it will be used in
Darker. She is wearing the same clothing that she wears in the other two jogging scenes at Lonsdale and at Beaver Lake.
The filming took place along Alexander Street, straight across the street from where we find Jamie jogging as Christian in the rain for the extended ending. I visited the area this summer and unfortunately did not realize they used both sides of the street. I was able to match up some googlemap street views to the filming with Dakota. It is around 77 Alexander St. and was filmed January 28/29, 2014.
Look closely and you can spot the gray outline of the Gassy Jack statue to the left about her head. Also the beautiful gaslamps street lights that are all over this area.
Thank you to @50shades_gt 50shadesguatemala for her detailed help.
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You can see the distinctive grating on this metal gate behind her.
It looks as though this building has done some updates. The metal gates are now black.
This is the view from across the street. Jamie went jogging down this south side of the street.