In the Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Ana first lives in Portland, not Vancouver Washington. I am not sure why they did the move to Portland and her movie address for Portland is not a real residence. In the movie they first show the inside of her apartment with Kate as she is getting ready for the interview. She is returned to the front of the apartment after her first night at Escala with Christian. These were filmed at two different locations in Vancouver BC.
The interior of her apartment was filmed at the Burrard Iron Works building. They used the main floor of this building for the “drunk dial bar” scene. There is an upstairs apartment that is privately owned that they used for the inside of her apartment. When I visited the building I asked about the apartment used and found out it is used by the manager of the building and was off limits to see. I did notice stairs leading up to it by the front entrance to the building and took a few photos of them. Out on the street you can see the front windows of the apartment which match up with the view from the inside during the filming. A behind the scenes video also tells us that they used this apartment and shows it from the street. When I put together my photos I also saw that when Ana enters the apartment you can see the stairway behind her and white wood planks and bricks that line the stairway.
The building they used for the front exterior street entrance of the apartment doesnt quite match to the view of the inside entrance to the apartment. The building is bright red brick with the numbers 1114 on it.
You can see more of the “drunk dial bar” and Burrard Iron Works here.
You can see in this clip the bamboo curtains hanging and the windows are the same as seen from the street.
This is shown in the movie as Ana’s Portland apartment where Christian takes her home in the R8 after spending the first night at Escala.