FSOG MOVIE LOCATION The Fish House in Stanley Park As Georgia

While Filming FSOG in Vancouver BC they used the historic Fish House in Stanley Park as the restaurant/bar that Ana goes to with her mother in Georgia. They brought in palm trees that were placed on the lawn to add to the facade of it being in Savannah, Georgia. The Fish House was built in 1930 for a tennis players and golfers in the park. It’s been known as the Fish House in Stanley Park since 1990. It is located in the center of Stanley Park and has a lovely view across the lawns to the water. The perfect place to order your 4th Cosmopolitan.
The building in the movie they use for the exterior of the bar in Georgia is not The Fish House. They filmed in the restaurant mostly during the evening with lights shining in the back windows. They used a room at the back part of the restaurant for the filming.
From this new photo just released you can see their beautiful bar area behind Ana and Christian. They brought in palm trees to add to the Georgia look. They filmed this at night with lighting from outside shining in.
You can see the book location of the Savannah Georgia meeting here.
For the filming they brought in lots of lights and it looked like they did the filming in the main bar dining area.
This is the main bar and dining area.
“Its Christian, he’s here.” “What? Really?” She glances around the bar, too.
Thank you to The Fish House for allowing me to take photos. fishhousestanleypark.com