FSOG MOVIE UBC Chemistry Bldg. With Ana in Hallway

During the recent FS filming at UBC I wanted to try and find this one location from the first Fifty Shades of Grey movie. It is in the opening where we see Ana walk down the hallway of supposedly WSU but was really filmed at UBC. This scene was actually done at three different locations on the campus. She starts with walking down the hallway at the Chemistry Building, then runs down the outside steps of the Irving K. Barber building, and ends the scene with walking to her car “wanda” in front of the old Student Union building.
The hallway scene was filmed in the Chemistry D Block, Center wing building located at 2036 Main Mall. It is easy to access from the Main Mall and just south of the Irving K. Barber building. Once you walk into the main entrance its easy to recognize several elements from the movie like the lighting, wall woodwork/tiles and the wood flooring. I believe the filming took place on the second floor of the building as you see no doorways leading out of the hallway. You can spot the similar EXIT sign at the end of the hallway. The signs along the hallway in the movie are similar to those I found the day I visited. The building was completed in 1925 and has had several additions since then. It now houses the Chemistry-Physics department and has had several changes over the years.
Thank you to @bcfilmbuff for her help to find this building location.
You can see more of the UBC Campus used for FSOG Movie here.
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