FSOG BOOK LOCATION The Heathman Underground Parking Garage/Southwest Park Blocks

When I first visited The Heathman in Portland I was struck by the entrance, the revolving door, the marble bar and the beautiful lobby area. After I wandered around taking some photos I headed outside. The hotel is located on SW Broadway in Portland, which is a main street through our city. It is always bustling with people, cars and bikers. My first place to visit outside The Heathman was the coffee house which I found four blocks down at Public Domain coffee house. After having some coffee and warming up I then walked back to The Heathman and came across the corner where the bike incident would have happened. Right after the bike corner save by Christian in the book Anna then turns to leave and walks to the underground garage.
“Goodbye, Mr. Grey.” I turn on my heel, vaguely amazed that I don’t trip, and without giving him a second glance, I disappear down the sidewalk toward the underground garage. Once underneath the dark, cold concrete of the garage with its bleak fluorescent light, I lean against the wall and put my head in my hands. She then drives home to Vancouver.
The second time they are in The Heathman together is after her “drunk dial” clubbing night in Portland. He takes her back to The Heathman and they stay overnight. The next morning they leave the hotel and go to his car parked in the parking garage.
“Christian opens the passenger-side door to the black Audi SUV, and I clamber in. He starts the engine and reverses out of his space in the parking lot. Christian pulls out onto Southwest Park Avenue, and he drives with easy, lazy confidence. ”
The Southwest Park Blocks are located right behind The Heathman and run North and South through the city. It is a beautiful length of tree lined blocks which is used by many people in the city. Southwest Park Avenue runs under the trees along the blocks.