The crew with Fifty Shades Darker began their early morning bringing in all the equipment needed to film today and tomorrow along Alexander St. in the Gastown area of Vancouver BC. Several trucks were parked along the surrounding streets loaded with cables, cameras, tents, power supplies, masking tape, chairs and all that was needed to keep their filming rolling throughout the day. The large truck interiors resemble a Home Depot store on wheels with all that could be needed by the crew.
They started the first scene at the intersection of Alexander and Columbia Streets. Several police were on hand to help direct traffic along Alexander Street while the crew was preparing cameras and equipment for filming. They unloaded the huge camera boom from a semi truck parked at the corner and then proceeded to move it into place. They had built a “news stand” on the corner in previous days and that was the focus of the scene. The back of the small structure was removed so that the camera could look thru to the front of the stand where Dakota was filming the scene. The news stand was decorated with magazines and paintings on the outside and various other magazines on the inside.
After this filming was complete they moved the huge camera boom back into the truck. Then they prepared to film along the street in front of the newly readied Seattle Independent Publishing office. There were many new signs and banners along both side of the street. Jamie and Dakota did a scene walking along the sidewalk together under an umbrella. The scene took a lot of coordination with several extras on the sidewalks and studio cars being driven on the street. They had to close the street for several minutes while filming. This scene was filmed from several different angles.
The next scene took more planning and moving of equipment. The tents and equipment on the sidewalks had to be moved so that they could bring back in the huge camera boom for filming. The scene included the use of Christian Greys Audi Q7. Max Martini as Taylor was acting in the scene with Jamie and Dakota. It took place right in front of the SIP bldg and was straight out of Fifty Shades Darker which made it even more exciting to watch. By this time the rain and wind was stronger and they were down to one more scene to finish for the day. Here are some pics of the crew and filming from the day. It will definitely help you appreciate all that goes into a small 30 second movie scene.
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