FIFTY SHADES FREED And Christian Greys R8

Over the nearly 5 months of filming in Vancouver BC for Fifty Shades Darker and Freed Christians Audi R8 was used for several different scenes in FREED. Both Jamie Dornan and Dakota were seen driving it at different times. Here’s a look at three of the times the new 2017 Audi R8 was seen on the streets. Definitely makes you #WantAnR8
Here is a supercut of all the Audi R8 scenes from Fifty Shades Freed. Thanks to Unviersal and Fifty Shades Freed.
First is leaving filming at The Cecil Green house at UBC. Used as Christian and Ana’s home. Read more here.
This was filming in Seattle on the streets around Pioneer Square with Dakotas stunt driver at the wheel. Read more here.
Two are always better than one. They had two on the set for last day of filming in Vancouver. They were brought in to film on the street and in the parking lot. Read more here.