One of the most dismal scenes from the movie is when you see Jamie as Christian Grey jogging along the waterfront in the overcast dreary weather. Because the movie was filmed in Jan/Feb it was very gray and raining in Vancouver BC. They had Jamie do a series of jogging through the city. They started at Oceanic Plaza then down to the Coal Harbor Waterfront, then back along city streets towards the Gaslamp area which is where Ana’s apartment was filmed.
The filming shows him in two different jogging outfits so I think they are supposed to be at different times in the movie. The filming at Coal Harbor shows him wearing a light gray hoodie and sweat pants.
The Coal Harbor Waterfront is a long walkway that runs from Canada Place in downtown, west all the way to Stanley Park. It is a broad cement boardwalk that accommodates walkers, bikers and lots of tourists. There is a section of it that has a large grassy park area. The center section is all boat docks with large sailboats. There are a couple of hotels that are at the far west end where it reaches Stanley Park.
I started walking along the waterfront where it starts near Canada Place going towards Stanley Park. I thought that was where they filmed the movie but when I tried to match up the background views from his jogging in the trailer I saw that it was not there. I came to a part of a dock that ran along the water, but it wasnt right either. I kept walking and stopped to ask a few people along the way. One woman told me that there was a short half circle walkway near the Westin which was way at the other end. I started walking there hoping it was right. I first walked past a huge boat dock area with lots of sailboats with a beautiful view.
I saw the Westin up ahead and went straight there. When I followed the walkway around the hotel I did find this short half circle of walkway that went out over the water. It did have the same lightposts and handrail along it. I tried to match up the background and it was right on. There were a lot of people around so I got the best photos I could. I still could not figure out where he did the running that looked like he was on a long pier. I soon discovered that they did that on the this short walkway and that it just looked long because of how it circles around to the boardwalk. The background and walkway matched what was in the trailer. It took a lot of walking to get to the spot but it was worth it as the scenery was spectacular.
**I also noticed that his running clothes, the hoodie and sweatpants, are the same as he is wearing when he jogs along Alexander St. in the new ending towards Ana’s apartment.
More of my photos in the photo gallery.
This was taken just after he came around the half circle over the water. You can see the tall trees in the right background. Now they had leaves and were filled in. The lamp post is on the left along with the grassy area.
This photo shows the white/red light post in the background in front of the white building with the blue awning on it.
This was taken right after he turned the corner. You can see off to the right the huge red construction on the water and to the left is the trees on the end of the island.
Just updated with new photos take June 2015.
These are photos I took along the walkway. Thats Canada Place in the background.